Friday, April 17, 2009

What a week!

Can you guess where we have been??

After my post on Monday things went downhill! Haylee's temperature spiked up to 103 and never really broke completely. So I was back to the doctor on Tuesday with both children. Obviously Haylee wasn't any better and Madi was coughing SO much. Haylee was admitted into the hospital and more test were run (chest x-rays and blood work). She ended up have a mild case of pnuemonia. We caught it just in time.

The nurses at Katy Memorial are so Wonderful and took good care of my baby. All of the nurses remembered Haylee from her visit in January. They joked with us that we could stop by and visit we didn't have to come with a sick girl.

Hopefully we won't be a regular!

Haylee and her nurse Jackie

Meanwhile this little girl...

(obviously an old picture)

was not getting ANY better. She was actually worse. I was back at the doctor with Madi for the 3rd day in a row! This time the doctor said he could hear congestion in her chest and sent me to Christus St. Catherine to run tests on baby girl. She had blood work, chest x-ray, and RSV test.

That evening we found out that Madi has RSV! Luckily she didn't have to go into the hospital that day (or yet for that matter). 2 out of 3 babies end up in the hospital due to the virus. RSV is a respitory virus that is very dangerous to infants. The babies are so small and have such tiny airways that can swell shut. It can also lead to pnuemonia or bhronchiolitis (that is what Haylee had in January) I have a list of symptoms to watch for, the main ones having to do with breathing and eating. You can't give the baby any meds for the virus, it just has to run its course (2-3 weeks...usually days 3-5 are the worst and it starts getting better everyday) . Madi's main symptoms are coughing, A LOT, and congestion. The third day I took her into the dr I noticed some wheezing. She is still on an antibiotic for the ear infections which will also stop any secondary bacterial infections from developing.

I went home with Madi that night while Haylee stayed one more night in the hospital with her daddy. She came home yesterday afternoon.

I think things are on the mend and the kid-os will be feeling better in no time. We have had lots of people offer help to us and are so thankful for it. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful support system from our parents!

Thank You!!

Well, that is what has been going on with the Brew Crew! Hopefully we will have something better to post about in the next few days.

Have a great weekend!


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh my...what a week! I'm glad Haylee is getting better and Madi seems to be improving! How scary for you all.

Stephanie said...

Oh I am so sorry babe. THat is the worst to have a sick child, and you have to deal with 2 :(
Hope they are both feeling better now!

Barrow Family said...

I am glad they are on the mend. There is nothing worse than when the kiddos are not well!

Kathleen said...

I am glad that Haylee is home and I hope that both the girls get to feeling better soon.