Monday, March 10, 2008

First trip to the ZOO!

This past weekend we took Haylee to the Houston Zoo for the first time with Tim, Stephanie and their daughter Karys. We had so much fun! It is always so cute when we get the girls together. They spend most of the time staring at each other. So cute!

Karys brought her wagon so the girls could ride together.

We arrived at the zoo around 9:45a.m. and we didn't leave until 2:00. I was really surprised at how well the girls did and how much they enjoyed it. I wasn't sure if they were still too young. But you could actually see them watching and following the animals with their eyes.

Haylee checking out the fish in the aquarium.

See how intent she is?? :o)

One of the main reasons we wanted to go to the zoo was to visit the petting zoo. We were bummed out after finding out that the Katy Rodeo didn't have an area for children to pet animals. Neither one of the girls were afraid of the goats. It was really cute to watch them go back and forth and "pet" (or hit) each animal. Those poor goats have to put up with that all day.

While we were there we also slid down a slide by the seal pool and rode on the wildlife carousel.

Ready, Set, Go!


Carousel Pro... Has she done this before?? One Handed!

She feel asleep before we even got out of the parking lot!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That was so much fun!! Can't wait to see what their next adventure will be together :)

Karys also fell asleep in the parking lot! How funny!!

Glad you got the blog up and rolling! Can't wait to see what Lindsay creates for you!!