Friday, August 12, 2011

Potty Prizes

Madi is about 98% potty trained. She is terrified of going #2 in the potty. So EVERY time she does, we make a HUGE deal about it. She always asks for an ice cream cone. We have made it 3 days in a row so I took the girls out for an ice cream treat at the ice cream shop for this celebration.

Madi enjoying her YELLOW ice cream. I believe it is passionfruit and fig sorbet.

Sounds strange, but it was yellow and Madi loves anything yellow.

Haylee with her yummy birthday cake ice cream. It had chucks of real cake in the ice cream!

1 comment:

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

natalie loves yellow, too! funny!

pretty good #2 prize.