This is what we know...
It looks like we made it! Check out this site for before and after Ike photos of Bolivar Peninsula. We couldn't find one with our house. It is unbelievable to look at.
Before and After Photos
I did it!
Another pedicure
Haylee is so well behaved. The women in the salon just loved her!
Are you ready for some footbal??
After watching the Cowboys game we went in the backyard and let Haylee play in the sprinkler with the dogs. She was having so much fun.
I don't know about everyone else but I am ready for fall. I think it may have been the nice cool weather early Saturday morning. Of course later in the day it was the usual 90 degree weather. I decided that I needed to make a new fall wreath and a centerpiece.
Here is the centerpiece.
I am extremely ready for cooler weather and all of the fun fall activities. We already have Haylee's Halloween costume!
Update on Haylee: She is beginning to talk more and more everyday. She have a very good memory. Haylee is now putting two words together to make "mini sentences" ("mama car", "macy eat", "here dada") and our conversations are beginning to make sense and have a point. Haylee still loves here puppies and she also loves babies. She gets upset when the babies are crying. She doesn't like it. Haylee is cutting her top 2 incisors and it has made for a difficult couple of weeks. She constantly has her hands in her mouth. I put Hay on the scale the other day and she is still weighing 21.5 pounds but is definetly getting taller. (I will have to measure her this week) She loves sleeping in her big girl bed. I think that she is getting close to potty training. She tells me right after she goes in her diaper. She will stop and say "pot pot" and run into the bathroom. We are close! I think if I can get her to go once she will understand what she is supposed to do. It is super cute though when she sits on the potty for 1 second and then stands up and says done.
Baby news...we have narrowed down our name selection for our new baby girl. We should have a name this week.