Madison turned 10 months old! She is still very much my baby! Madi cries when I hand her off to someone else. She is a mama's girl. Madi can stand on her own and really tries to get her legs going. She wants to take a step SO bad. Madi can wave. She still loves to eat...EVERYTHING! The only time she really cries is when she is hungry. She is a VERY happy baby. Madi adores her big sister. She can say dada, mama, more, and ball. Our little girl learns something new everyday. She is our little sponge.
Thanksgiving: I have no pictures from Thanksgiving! However, I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I have an amazing husband who works hard for us. I have 2 beautiful, smart children. I am lucky to have 3 sets of parents who are always there for me and my family. Without them I would not be who I am today. I have several siblings who I am grateful for. They are all unique and special in many ways. I have a wonderful job and work family. My life is good! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I am going to save my family pictures and Christmas decorating post for another day!