Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Baby News...

I have two bits of news. Travis and I decided to go ahead with the gender scan at our next appointment! He has been working hard and putting in a lot of overtime hours so why notpay a little extra to find out a little early what we are having if we can. I can not wait! I am the person who buys Christmas presents early but can not wait to give them to Travis. So, most of the time he gets them early. I am really impatient! We are both very excited to find out what this baby is. Hopefully we will be able to tell and it will cooperate during the ultrasound. So the countdown is:
13 more days (August 26)

Other news that I don't think I told my blog family is about my sister, Kristen's, pregnancy. Remember I said that we are both having a baby around the same time. We are 2 weeks apart and they just found that they are not only expecting baby #1 but also baby #2! They are having twins!! How exciting!

Congratulations you two! We are really excited for the twinkies!


Stephanie said...

I'm sure the baby will cooperate just fine!! I cant wait to find out..I'm voting girl. (it seems to be girl season right now!) lol
TWINS..holy wonderful! That is so great that you will be able to go through this together!
Congrats on all 3 of the babies!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Hmmmm...boy/girl? What does Haylee say?

And fun!