Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sea World

This weekend we took Haylee to Sea World. It was so much fun! We had so much fun visiting my college roomie, Kelli, and her bf Jeremy. It's been way too long!

Saturday morning woke up and took Madi to her Grandma O'Neill's and picked up Aunt Victoria who also wanted to go to Sea World. Here are some pictures I took through out the day. It was a lot of fun "playing" with my camera so I went a little overboard on the pics.

The GroupDolphin Feeding
Daddy and Hay waiting for fish
Feeding the dolphins was so cool! Haylee waso excited until the dolphin swam up and opened his mouth for the fish. She said, "Dolphins scaaaare me! Biiig teeth.
AquariumI love this picture. Check out the reflection on the glass. You can see both of their expressions.
Poisonous Dart FrogsPenguins

Snack Time

Haylee taking a rest enjoying some grapes while waiting on Travis, Jeremy, and Victoria, who were riding a roller coaster.

Viva! This is a dolphin show that is AMAZING! It is land and sea acrobatics. Lots of high diving, synchronized swimming, and jumping dolphins!

Believe is the Shamu show. This was also Awesome! We sat in the splash zone so I didn't take many pictures during the show. I was too worried my camera would get wet. Haylee really enjoyed this show.

What a fun and exhausting day!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

3 Months Old

I just sat down and realized I didn't take a picture of Madi today on her 3 month birthday! But, I do have this video clip I did. Sorry about the silly mommy voice, I was trying to catch a laugh but all I got was some cooing! I love the sound of babies cooing, don't you? Enjoy!
Happy 3 Months Madi!

Friday, April 17, 2009

What a week!

Can you guess where we have been??

After my post on Monday things went downhill! Haylee's temperature spiked up to 103 and never really broke completely. So I was back to the doctor on Tuesday with both children. Obviously Haylee wasn't any better and Madi was coughing SO much. Haylee was admitted into the hospital and more test were run (chest x-rays and blood work). She ended up have a mild case of pnuemonia. We caught it just in time.

The nurses at Katy Memorial are so Wonderful and took good care of my baby. All of the nurses remembered Haylee from her visit in January. They joked with us that we could stop by and visit we didn't have to come with a sick girl.

Hopefully we won't be a regular!

Haylee and her nurse Jackie

Meanwhile this little girl...

(obviously an old picture)

was not getting ANY better. She was actually worse. I was back at the doctor with Madi for the 3rd day in a row! This time the doctor said he could hear congestion in her chest and sent me to Christus St. Catherine to run tests on baby girl. She had blood work, chest x-ray, and RSV test.

That evening we found out that Madi has RSV! Luckily she didn't have to go into the hospital that day (or yet for that matter). 2 out of 3 babies end up in the hospital due to the virus. RSV is a respitory virus that is very dangerous to infants. The babies are so small and have such tiny airways that can swell shut. It can also lead to pnuemonia or bhronchiolitis (that is what Haylee had in January) I have a list of symptoms to watch for, the main ones having to do with breathing and eating. You can't give the baby any meds for the virus, it just has to run its course (2-3 weeks...usually days 3-5 are the worst and it starts getting better everyday) . Madi's main symptoms are coughing, A LOT, and congestion. The third day I took her into the dr I noticed some wheezing. She is still on an antibiotic for the ear infections which will also stop any secondary bacterial infections from developing.

I went home with Madi that night while Haylee stayed one more night in the hospital with her daddy. She came home yesterday afternoon.

I think things are on the mend and the kid-os will be feeling better in no time. We have had lots of people offer help to us and are so thankful for it. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful support system from our parents!

Thank You!!

Well, that is what has been going on with the Brew Crew! Hopefully we will have something better to post about in the next few days.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend Recap

Friday- We hung out at the house most of the day. We only got out of the house to visit the Easter bunny and get Haylee a pair of sandals to go with her Easter dress.

Saturday- We began the day with a BIG breakfast. It was so delicious! It has been awhile since Travis has been home with us on a weekend. We really enjoyed it. After breakfast, Haylee and mommy went to get an Easter pedicure. We both had a great time. Haylee picked out her color all by herself. She chose purple. Later in the day we dyed eggs and Haylee helped mommy bake a cake. We also watched Briley and Kayelyn.

Sunday- Haylee woke up excited to see if the Easter bunny brought her jelly beans! We checked out our baskets from the Easter bunny and had a small egg hunt at our house before church. Travis stayed home with Madi who wasn't feeling well. She had been up most of the night before coughing. She had a lot of drainage. Haylee and I went to church with Grandpa and Grandma Glowacz, Uncle Dave and Aunt Kristen, and her cousins Addisyn and Audrey. We went over to the Brewer's for Easter lunch. It was a low key Easter and we enjoyed every bit of it!

This morning Haylee woke up with a fever and cough. I decided to make her an appointment along with Madi to see the doctor. Madison has an ear infection in both ears and chest congestion. She weighs 10 pounds 13 ounces. Right now I am treating Haylee for a fever. After her and nap we have to go back to the doctor to drop off a urine sample for her. She possibly has a urinary infection. Haylee weighs 25 pounds and she is proud of it! So, it certainly has been busy at our house. I am thankful that it is just a 4 day week for me! We have a low key weekend ahead of us and the next weekend we are going to Sea World! I can't wait!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter!

Easter Bunny 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Behind on Blogging

I don't really know what I have been doing in the evenings! It has been so long since I last blogged. I haven't even taken very much pictures since my last post! Here are a few random ones from my camera. I promise to do better with updating! :o)

Our New Princess

Daddy and his princess'

Aunt Katie came to visit!

Haylee has really began to play. She has always played with her toys and in her kitchen, but now she actually has conversations with her self! It is so fun to sit and watch her play. Haylee also had her first accident. She fell down, scraped her knees and upper lip.

Things are going well here! This month besides Easter we are planning on taking a trip to San Antonio to visit my college roomie, Kelli, and taking Haylee to Sea World. I had to cancel Kelli's trip here last month since Travis has been so busy at work. We are looking forward to the visit and Sea World! We think Haylee will LOVE it! She loves fish!